MY RULES photozine

MY RULES was the first of its kind. This highly sought after “photo-zine” was first self published by Glen E. Friedman in 1982.
Glen E. Friedman shot, art directed and published the influential punk chronicle My Rules, one of the first comprehensive looks at the American hardcore punk scene.
Including incredible iconic photographs shot by Friedman of bands such as BLACK FLAG, DEAD KENNEDYS, MINOR THREAT, BAD BRAINS, MISFITS, CIRCLE JERKS, T.S.O.L., and many others including the GERMS, on the front cover (a live photo of Darby Crash, taken at their last show just days before his suicide.)
MY RULES is the “DIY” first ever solo publication of the work of Glen E. Friedman. Originally self-published in the fall of 1982, it was unique in it’s time. The first ever “photo-zine”. Billed as “The One and Only Issue”, never planned to be a regular fan’zine that would be published on a regular basis, Friedman knew from the start it was to be a one off project.
At the time it was the biggest print-run for fanzine, ever. 10,000 copies were printed and distributed by Friedman himself. In the first 2 years over 8,000 were sold, and over the next ten years the rest were sold via mail order only. The original cover price was $2.00 and nowadays it can be found occasionally on E-Bay often selling for $100 a copy, even up over $300.
When G.E.F. was getting together the pieces for MY RULES he called upon some of his friends to ask if they would make written contributions to his special ‘photozine’. These friends were all important figures of the American Punk Rock scene, from several of the major regions in the U.S. He told them: “What ever you’d like to communicate, or base it upon the MY RULES theme” (which itself was inspired by the BLACK FLAG song of the same name). He offered the UN-EDITED space, and this was to be the only writing in the entire ‘zine. The contributors Included Chuck Dukowski of Black Flag, Ian MacKaye of Minor Threat, Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys, H.R. of the Bad Brains, Al Barile of S.S. Decontrol, Keith Morris of the Circle jerks, Barry Hensler of the Necros, and Randy Turner of the Big Boys.
A look inside the ‘My Rules’ photozine with man behind the lens Glen E. Friedman from “There’s Something Hard In There” blog.